About me

It's always difficult to describe oneself. Nevertheless, I will try to do my best.

I've always been interested in a variety of topics, most of them of intellectual nature. Some examples include history, economics, politics, psychology, philosophy, programming, etc. A theme of my life is to make sense of the world. To discover patterns and understand the big picture.

Having multiple interests, though, is not always a good idea, especially when you have to choose a career. I ended up studying mathematics. The force that drove me there was the chance of discovering new results no one else has done in the past. Also, the freedom to explore the vast world of mathematics.

Even though I couldn't compare myself with the math wizards, I worked hard to be among the top students. This motivated me to pursue a PhD, which I completed in 2021. My area of specialization is probability theory. In particular, I studied different random models in random environment.

Since then, I moved to Germany to do a postdoc, where I am currently working at the moment of this writing (May 2024).

After I finish it, I plan to leave academia. I'm currently working on the initial stages of a new project that aims to combine multiple of my interests, particularly politics and software (more details to come).

In my free time, I like to lift weights, read a book, and contemplate different aspects of society and the self. You can check some of them in my "Post" section and YouTube channel.